20 July 2011
“….I will show them wonders”.Micah 7:15
In the world we are encircled by numerous forces, a typical –mix of good and bad-which may tend to block or lead or spoil the routine of our daily life.
We face a lot of uncertain thing at home, in the family, at the work place or just as they are-- coming from nowhere?
Matters may seem to go out of the way, getting worse, it may pressurize you-- no way to turn or to solve and resolve our situation.
No matter how things look like, keep your eyes on the Lord who has created you and cares for you. He can work miracles out of nothing or from nowhere… because HE is the Master of the universe.
Is there anything we need to know in order to see miracles happen in our lives?
Yes, Seek the kingdom of God with your whole heart.
God alone is capable of working wonders, and help you and all who ask with faith. Do you want to obtain that unfailing love--- you have to go to the Throne of Grace.
Orchid @Kodaikanal.TamilNadu |
God’s Grace is sufficient- it can sustain us in this world.
Nothing else is needed to hold on, if you can get that Grace.
God performs miracles to help His people,
to reveal Himself to them, or
to prove to them that He is God Almighty.
Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only does wondrous things! Psalm 72:18
Always remember the marvelous works which God has done in our life. His mercy endures forever.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.