26August 2011
“A false witness that speaks lies” it means a person who deliberately gives a false testimony, this includes someone who, acts as a witness, who twists or perverts (misrepresents) the truth, which is closely related to someone who fabricates an accusation, it applies to one who lies as a public witness purposely. It happens to be an advanced forms of lying.
The first five things that God hates had to do with different parts of the body, the sixth one is a person. He is a false witness, who lies and spreads discord among brothers, or in a family or within a group. He loosens his tongue and “‘pours out lies”. It depicts the progression of evil which it’s complete form. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour”. (Exodus 20:16)
Being a false witness is acting as an agent of Satan, “the devil,...was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. …for he is a liar and the father of lies.”(John 8:44) “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. ……above defile a man.” (Mathew 15:19)
Completely under the devil’s control , a false witness pours out lies and he is a ‘social insult’.
Hence the Holy Bible warns us about the evil doings: “You shall not circulate a false report. Do not put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness” (Exodus 23:1) “who stirs up conflict in the community”(Proverbs 6:19) “whoever pours out lies will not go free.”(Proverbs 19:5) “a false witness tells lies.” (Proverbs 12:17) “A false witness will perish, “(Proverbs 21:28)“ Like a club or a sword or a sharp arrow is one who gives false testimony against a neighbor”.(Proverbs 25:18)
False witnesses will be punished .God will put them to punishment that will be beyond human understanding.“A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will not go free.”(Proverbs 19:5) “Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty.”(Exodus 23:7)
False witness will be subjected to judgment:
False witness will be subjected to judgment:
“If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse someone of a crime, must stand in the presence of the LORD …. judges must make a thorough investigation, … if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against a fellow men… … Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot".( Deuteronomy 19:16)
whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, I will not tolerate.
No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house;
no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence.
no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence.
Every morning I will put to silence all the wicked in the land;
I will cut off every evildoer from the city of the LORD”(Psalm 101 :5-8)
I will cut off every evildoer from the city of the LORD”(Psalm 101 :5-8)
Because of our own sinful nature, repentance is needed ,it is a miracle and will bring total humbleness.The fruit of repentance leads to discernment, wisdom and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which leads to the mind of Christ.
Search your heart ,before you speak or do not be a false witness to any one, come what may.
Remember, it is not just the outside appearance that the Lord sees, but HE sees your heart and its attitude.
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