Our Lord is my strength and my fortress, my deliverer, I whom I will put my trust.It is God who gives me strength, and makes my way perfect.
In His wisdom we can face any improper and shocking situations. When God be for us ,who can be against us? That confidence we need, because the power belongs to God.
- "To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his.” Job 12:13.
- “The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress. Job 37:23
- “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” Job 15:9
- “Praise be to the LORD God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds.”Psalm72:18
- You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.Psalm77:14
Though around us, the situation appears to be gloomy and depressing , always learn to be still, to listen to the voice of God. He will direct you , even if you get a negative reply.
Remember the Lord knows the best for you.
Remember the Lord knows the best for you.
Praise God
God Bless