Friday, April 06, 2012

Good Friday---

6 April 2012  
Good Friday is a day to remember the crucifixion and death of son of God at Calvary, Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for the cause of humanity.

This day is known as Good Friday, Holy Friday, Great Friday or Black Friday

 As such, Good Friday is a day of mourning (all the rituals of the day are centred on the feeling of sorrow, pain and humiliation etc-) that Jesus went through for the goodness and humanity.

The entire message of Good Friday is not "an eye for an eye"( not the very thought of vengeance  and vindictive actions ) but to conquer evil is through good (to overcome evil with good deeds.)

Many things we have learned each year on this concept. Follow the example of Jesus, who stressed the ‘role of prayer’ in the struggle to conquer evil. Turn to God in prayer when we are stressed’ or totally wayward.

  • I called on the LORD in distress; the LORD answered me and set me in a broad place”  Psalm 118:5.
  • When situations in life frighten you, look up to the Lord and cry to Him. Pour out your burdens to Him when in distress. Psalm 142:1-2
The tremendous love He has on you is beyond our thinking.
  • He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.1Peter 2:24

The Almighty God left all His glory and came into this world as a human being to die on the cross in order to save us.

Pray and turn to God.

Lord, hear my prayer; in your faithfulness listen to my pleading; answer me in your justice.
The enemy has pursued me; they have crushed my life to the ground.
They have left me in darkness …..My spirit is faint within me; my heart is dismayed…. Hasten to answer me, Lord; for my spirit fails me.
Do not hide your face from me, …..At dawn let me hear of your kindness, for in you I trust. Show me the path I should walk, for to you I entrust my life. ........Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your kind spirit guide me on ground that is level. …..Psalm 143

Let this  teach us the role of prayer in our life.
Read the following.

Jesus taught peace in an age of violence. 

Jesus taught forgiveness in an age of victimization.

Jesus taught humility in an age of spiritual arrogance. 

Jesus taught equality in an age of division. 

Jesus taught love in a world of hatred. 

God Bless