Monday, February 06, 2012

Faith in times of trouble

6 February 2012  
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”John 16:33

This is a beautiful promise we can keep in mind because, Faith pleases God, that makes our life victorious. 

World has a multitude of problems in various intensities and magnitudes.For a child of God we have more traps hidden by from satan  to over throw our faith.

 We should never expect a bed of roses and prosperity in all times , in and around us. We are bound by the law and Jesus has promised to be with us in this cruel world. We should learn to be steadfast in our principalities ( faith) and make no compromise with anything.

Faith means to believe in something or someone, trusting and confident that we stand on our actions on what we believe. (It is a strong feeling). We are trusting God for everything, such faith is optimistic and bold.

Faith in God is having a special kind of trust and confidence that leads us to look forward  for everything  with commitment. 

He is our Master- Father -Saviour –Justifier- Cleanser- Healer- Deliverer- friend - Lord and  The King.

Bible says
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1.

Faith is a spiritual matter or the inner pure feeling. It communicates – the intuition tells you that the thing we are hoping for is certainly done, even before we see any material confirmation. 

Faith in God is a response to God's Word which moves God to take action.

 Jesus said in Mark 11:23, "For assuredly I say to you, whoever SAYS to this mountain, 'Be removed and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but BELIEVES that those things he SAYS will be done, he will HAVE whatever he SAYS." 
Words mixed with the real, pure faith can and will move (mountains) any problems in life. 

No ‘hi –tech’ solutions or intellectual ‘formula’ can solve the problem.  Faith in God must be from the heart. It is a blind form of trust even when you see nothing positive.

"For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:10

Faith causes you to know in your heart (confident feeling) before you see with your eyes.  

 The knowing feel and the peace inside the heart is the witness of your faith.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2Corinthians 5.7

"Seeing is believing." It exists already (it is in the natural order) for such things you don't need faith.

Our faith ends in miracles in our life-something beyond the natural course of action. Put your  Faith in action-(a tough and a patient job)

Develop such Faith   ‘cause JESUS  is with you and He will give you strength.
 Praise the Lord.
God Bless