Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The idea of responsibility:

The idea of responsibility:
                               The digital world started invading into our society and we are slowly steered into a world of bits, byes, and data. 
                Obviously, our personal and inter personal relationships, interactions are changing and subsequently our business contacts and the entire scenario has made a drastic shifting. Media is now, where we live, transfer and obligate our existence.
               Many things are changing everywhere-personally,socially,physically,emotionally, ethically psychologically- we do suffer from its consequences.      
             The tragic mind set that "I am perfect" and "I know better than you", and "what I know ( from social media ) I will follow" (blindly)-these concepts predominates.
                      The tendency to pass the blame spontaneously, for anything wrong, to somebody or something other than ourselves exists.  
                 We even blame God. We tend to complain ,enact drama ,nag, threat, fight ,cry, .. the list is end less…It seems to be the order of the day.
                   We are unwilling to take responsibility for our lives but we want everyone else to be responsible for what happens to us.
                  The problem is in our mind and attitude. Selfishness  rather "ego" coupled with' arrogance', is at the core and that what blinds us to our own mistakes. Then we say something irrelevant, snap unnecessarily, spill out harsh words, hurt and insult people without respect.
                 To think reasonably, we need to restructure ourself. Turn back and analyze. Faithfulness bundled with gratitude, cannot begin without taking responsibility for our own actions .Lot of rework and renovation to be done in our lives. Live your take it or spoil it. why grumble when easy solution is at hand. be humble . take heed of advice. listen do not over power  Try to stay contented. God will reward you.
Ultimately,” each one of us will give an account to himself to God” Romans 14:2.
God bless you.